Tag Archives: France

ITER Project: Attempt to create ‘Mini Sun’ on Earth and India’s role

Can we create a new Sun on Earth? If yes, how will it solve the energy crisis? Let us know about the ITER Project running in France, which is being called the world’s largest and most expensive fusion energy project. India’s role is also very important in this.

What is ITER Project?

ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) is a mega-scientific project being developed in Cadarache, France. It has been named “The Way” because it can show the way to unlimited, clean and carbon-free energy in the future.

This project is trying to create a mini sun, which can produce clean and unlimited energy.

How does ITER work?

Fusion energy: cheap, clean and unlimited

The fusion process in ITER will work like the sun. This process will combine two isotopes of hydrogen—deuterium and tritium—to produce helium and massive energy.

Tokamak: Technology to create sun on Earth

For fusion, ITER is using a device called Tokamak, which controls extremely hot plasma.

If it succeeds, fusion energy can replace coal, petroleum and natural gas, which will benefit the environment.

India’s role: Made in India’s glory

India is investing 10% in this project, i.e. about ₹ 17,500 crores. But in return, India will get 100% access to fusion technology.

India’s contribution:

What does ITER mean for India?

✔ Energy self-reliance: If fusion succeeds, India’s dependence on coal and gas will decrease.

✔ Technological edge: India will get new scientific and technological capabilities.

✔ Global leadership: India’s scientific reputation will increase.

Is fusion energy really the future?

At the moment, ITER is just an experiment and it may take a few decades to bring it to commercial level. But if it succeeds, then:

By 2050, fusion energy can replace coal, gas and oil, helping to tackle climate change.

The ITER project is not just a scientific experiment, but the beginning of an energy revolution. India’s participation in it makes it even more important.

If it succeeds, India and the world can get a source of cheap, clean and unlimited energy.

Can India become a leader in fusion energy? Let us know what you think!