Tag Archives: chirping

What are “chirping waves”?

Scientists have detected a strange “chirping waves” thousands of kilometers away from the Earth. These waves sound exactly like the chirping of birds in the morning, but in reality they are “Chorus Waves”, which are formed due to plasma vibrations in the Earth’s magnetosphere.

When solar winds collide with the Earth’s magnetic field, they generate some low-frequency plasma waves. Their frequency pattern constantly changes, due to which they produce a sound like bird chirping.

Can these have any impact on space missions?

1. Danger for astronauts and spacecrafts – These waves can accelerate charged electrons to super high speeds, which can be dangerous for satellites and space missions.

2. Formation of auroras – These waves help create the Northern and Southern Lights.

3. Effect on space weather – They can increase radiation levels, which can be problematic for astronauts and electronic devices.

How did scientists detect these waves?

NASA and ESA satellites recorded Very Low Frequency (VLF) waves. These waves cannot be heard directly by human ears, but when their frequency was converted, their sound sounded like the chirping of birds.

Can these waves have an effect on Earth as well?

Yes, but very little. In some cases they can have a slight impact on radio communications and power grids, but their major effect occurs in space only.


‘Chorus Waves’ are a mysterious space phenomenon that helps us understand the magnetic environment of the Earth. Scientists are doing further research on them so that space missions can be saved from their negative impact.