This case is really heartbreaking! Enslaving women and using them as a human egg farm under human trafficking in Thailand crosses the limits of cruelty.
What is the whole matter?
Recently, three Thai women were rescued, who were forcibly trafficked and kept in a place where eggs were being extracted from their ovaries and sold. These women were kept captive like animals and their bodies were being exploited.
How does such trafficking happen?
In Thailand, which is known for its beautiful culture and tourism, trafficking of women and children (Sex & Human Trafficking) remains a serious problem. Many poor and helpless women get trapped in the trap of traffickers by dreaming of a better job and life. Later they are forced into prostitution, organ trafficking, and even reproductive trafficking.
Human Egg Farm: Modern slavery with women!
This is a dangerous trend, where women are forced to give eggs and then the eggs extracted from their ovaries are sold abroad at high prices.
Women are forced to produce eggs again and again by giving them hormonal drugs.
In many cases, women do not even get treatment when their health deteriorates.
In some cases, in the process of extracting more eggs, their fertility is lost or they even die.
Human trafficking network in Thailand
Human trafficking in Thailand is spread from local gangs to international mafia. Girls from poor families are lured by deception or kidnapped forcefully. Later they are sent to Malaysia, China, Japan and Gulf countries.
What are the government and law doing?
The Thai government has made strict laws to stop human trafficking, but despite this, the networks of smugglers are so strong that they make hundreds of women and children their victims every year. International organizations are constantly putting pressure on Thailand to take strict action to end this inhuman trafficking.